1. Correlation between Shanghai crude oil futures, stock, foreign exchange, and gold markets: a GARCH-vine-copula method. Applied Economics 2021 2. Financial development, openness, innovation, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China. Energy Economics (ABS三星期刊,ESI高被引) 2021 3. Connectedness between crude oil, coal, rare earth, new energy and technology markets: a GARCH-vine-copula-EVT analysis. Applied Economics 2022 4. Exploring the interconnectedness of China's new energy and stock markets: A study on volatility spillovers and dynamic correlations. International Review of Economics & Finance 2023 5. Economic policy uncertainty: A new firm‐level measurement and impact on enterprise innovation strategies. Managerial and Decision Economics 2023 6. Entry Deregulation and Labor Share: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters 2023 |